
FBI Is Looking to Arrest and Abuse 500 More of the 800 Individuals Who Entered the US Capitol on January 6 – Out of the One Million Who Saw Trump Speak

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At least half a million to a million patriots showed up to see President Trump at the Ellipse in Washington DC on January 6th.

Before the president’s speech was over, thousands of supporters marched over to the US Capitol.

It has been widely reported that the FBI has arrested 300 individuals who entered the US Capitol on January 6th.

Many of the protesters who entered the US Capitol on January 6th were waved in by the Capitol Hill police.

And, now we know that the FBI is looking for 500 more individuals who entered the Capitol out of the 800 individuals who went inside.

USA Today reported:

In the two months since an angry mob forced its way into the U.S.