
What Was In Ashli Babbitt’s Backpack When She Was Shot Dead by a Capitol Hill Police Officer Will Shock You

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On January 6th, 2021, Ashli Babbitt, a 14 year Air Force Veteran, was shot and killed by a Capitol Police Officer.

The Capitol Police continue to hide details of her shooting death from the American public.

It was the only shooting incident at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.


The Officer who shot Ashli Babbit reportedly said Ashli’s backpack factored into him killing her.
But what was actually inside Ashli’s backpack?

So does wearing a backpack give an officer an excuse to shoot you dead now?

In a public statement made by the Police Officers’ Attorney, Mark Schamel, he states the backpack Ashli was wearing compounded the Officers fears.

In the same statement,  » READ MORE