
And Here We Thought It Was China?… Chuck Todd to Dr. Fauci: “It’s Inevitable” We’ll have more Pandemics in the Future Because of “Climate Change”

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On Sunday Chuck Todd pushed the conspiracy that climate change will result in more pandemics.
There is absolutely no proof for this but it does play into the far-left playbook so Chuck Todd is going to run with this.

Chuck Todd: I know there’s a lot of folks who think that due to climate change and due to the globalization in general, it’s inevitable, we’re going to deal with more and more viruses like this. The biggest lesson here you’re going to take away to prepare for the next one?

NBC’s @chucktodd tells Dr. Fauci: “It’s inevitable” we’ll have more pandemics in the future because of “climate change” pic.twitter.com/CQxwXDUBUs

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 14,