
Biden Takes Swipe at Sarah Palin in His Prepared Remarks By Repeating Lie That She Could See Russia From Her House

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Joe Biden took time during his fist 23-minute address to the nation on passage of the COVID bill to take a swipe at Sarah Palin using an old lie the media used when she was the Republican VP candidate in 2008.

Defconnews.com reported:

Joe Biden held a sad party at the White House to celebrate passing the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that has almost no money for actual Covid-19 relief. For reasons know only to him he used the occasion to take a shot at former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by repeating the lie that she once said she could see Russia from her house. Perhaps the reason is because 2008 is the last time his mind was sound so he only remembers things from 13 years ago.