
Portland Police Kettle Large Crowd of Antifa Terrorists After Another Night of Rioting – Antifa Goons Stunned, “We Are Boxed In” (VIDEO)

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Portland Police had enough of Antifa smashing windows and rioting in the streets Friday night so they kettled the large mob and made arrests.

Kettling is a police tactic for controlling large crowds during a protest.

Police cordoned off a street in Portland’s Pearl District and said all persons within the limited area will be temporarily detained.

About 100 goons were kettled and 13 arrested.

“You are being detained for the investigation of a crime,” Portland Police said.


“You are being detained for the investigation of a crime” Portland Police have kettled a large crowd down a side street here in Portland’s Pearl District #Portland #PortlandProtests pic.twitter.com/ZOA9R7srHt

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) March 13,