
“I Think the Investigation is Underway and We Should See What it Brings Us” – Biden When Asked if Gov Cuomo Should Resign (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden all of a sudden believes in due process because a Democrat is being accused of sexual harassment.

Joe Biden on Sunday returned to the White House on Marine One after a long weekend in Delaware.

Shortly after Biden deplaned, a pool reporter asked him if embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign.

“I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us,” Biden said breaking with top Democrat lawmakers who called for Cuomo’s resignation last week.


Here is the video

(@ReportsDaNews) Tweeted:
Do you think Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign?

“I think the investigation is under way and we should see what it brings us.” -President Biden pic.twitter.com/rGOTUoi0ig

— TheSadTruth💙 (@ReportsDaNews) March 14,