
Over 10,000 Workers in New York Elderly and Disabled Home Facilities Caught COVID and Over 30 Died Thanks to Cuomo’s Insane Policies in the State

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Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 policies for the weak and aged in New York last year led to tens of thousands dead in nursing homes and other facilities throughout the state.   The cost on workers in these facilities was also great.

We reported in 2020 on the absurd policies New York Governor Andrew Cuomo mandated for the state that led to tens of thousands of deaths in New York.

EXCLUSIVE: Killer Cuomo Not Only Murdered Thousands of Elderly In Homes, He Also Targeted Adult Care Facilities and Group Homes for People with Disabilities

We presented a number of articles related to Cuomo’s actions with COVID in the state.  Then last week we reported that the workers in these facilities did not want to work them and were forced and coerced to do so.