
About Time… Alaska GOP Censures Bitter Never-Trumper Lisa Murkowski After Impeachment Vote

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The Republican State Central Committee in Alaska voted to censure anti-Trump RINO Lisa Murkowski and vowed to recruit a challenger to take on the bitter RINO in 2022.

Murkowski’s vote to impeach President Donald Trump in January on his way out the door was the last straw.

JUST IN: The Alaska Republican Party has voted to censure U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and will recruit a challenger to run against her in next year’s election (KINY).

— The Bias News (@thebias_news) March 15, 2021

Just last week President Trump vowed to travel to Alaska and campaign against Lisa Murkowski in her reelection bid.

Then last Thursday Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) went to Mar-a-lago to beg President Trump to support dead-weight Lisa Murkowski.