
Far-Left Politico Claims Biden to Date is “Largely Gaffe-Free” – This is Today’s Big Media – Sick, Dishonest and a Horrible Joke Like in a Garbage Regime

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More lies from the media.  What a surprise.

Politico and the rest of the media are just on time.  They colluded during the Trump years and pushed make-believe stories of Russia collusion for the corrupt Washington DC Deep State.  The media knew this was all an effort to remove President Trump from office using lies but they didn’t care.  They hated an America-loving President.  They almost never reported the truth about the coup that was on-going.

Next, the media pushed more lies in their effort to oust President Trump in two unconstitutional and disgustingly dishonest impeachment efforts.  The President was innocent but that didn’t matter.

But the biggest lies from the Democrat-led Pravda that we have in the US are what they don’t tell you.