
Biden Tells Stephanopoulos He Once Looked Putin in the Eye and Told Him, “I Don’t Think You Have a Soul” to Which Putin Responded “We Understand Each Other” (VIDEO)

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We’re just going to file this in “things that never happened.”

Joe Biden sat down for a softball interview with liberal operative George Stephanopoulos and it was a disaster.

Stephanopoulos asked Joe Biden about the bogus ODNI report that claimed Russia interfered in the 2020 election to help Donald Trump and teed up a question about Biden’s past exchange with the Russian president.

“You said you know he doesn’t have a soul,” Stephanopoulos said with a smile on his face.

Biden responded in the affirmative and said he looked Vladimir Putin in the eye and told him “I don’t think you have a soul and he looked back at me and said we understand each other.”