
Reports of More American Troops Entering Syria – What Is Biden Doing and Does He Know He’s Doing It?

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(photo Sana News)

A US convoy of trucks is entering Northern Syria per reports from that country.  Why is senile old Biden doing this and why is he keeping it a secret?  Does he even know it’s happening?

During President Trump’s time in office, ISIS was obliterated in the Middle East.  That evil group was annihilated in a matter of months after festering and growing during the Obama years.  ISIS’s leader was killed in an operation named after an American girl whom he raped repeatedly and daily for months.

Iran was then put in a box and prevented from pushing terrorism in the region.  Iran’s evil military and terrorist leader, Qasem Soleimani, was killed.

Numerous peace treaties were put in place in the Middle East between Israel and various Arabic countries.