
North Carolina School District Launches Campaign to ‘Disrupt White Culture,’ Urges Teachers to Subvert White Parents and Families

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North Carolina’s largest school district has launched a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces” and is encouraging teachers to subvert parents to push “antiracism” directly onto students without their consent.

The anti-white racism is taking place in the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh area.

In a shocking Twitter thread by journalist Christopher Rufo, he explained that last year the district held a teachers’ conference with lessons on “whiteness,” “toxic masculinity,” “microaggressions,” “trauma-informed yoga,” and “applied critical race theory.”

The conference began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land. The conference leaders encouraged educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” pic.twitter.com/DpJ6isTMrR

— Christopher F.