
“Definitely Not” – Illegal Alien Tells ABC’s Martha Raddatz He Would Have Never Tried to Cross Border When Donald Trump Was President (VIDEO)

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Hundreds of thousand of illegal aliens have been detained crossing the border since Joe Biden was sworn in two months ago.

Joe Biden invited migrants to “surge” the border several times during primary debates and on the campaign trail last year.

Biden’s decision to undo Trump’s border policies created a massive surge of migrants and unaccompanied migrant children.

There is an estimated 15,000 unaccompanied minor migrants being housed in the border facilities (cages).

Biden’s DHS Chief Mayorkas had the gall to blame Trump for the surge even though Biden’s open borders policies created the border crisis.

ABC’s Martha Raddatz asked an illegal alien who traveled all the way from Brazil with his wife and three young children and crossed the border: “Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?”

The illegal alien replied,