
Even Far-Left CNBC Realizes that the CDC’s 6-Foot Rule Was Likely the Single Costliest COVID Mitigation Tactic Employed to Date

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Even CNBC realized how insane the CDC’s 6-foot rule was in response to COVID.  This action cost billions and its results are unknown but realistically minimal.

Hotair reported:

The CDC began the pandemic operating on the assumption that the coronavirus transmits the way the flu does, he notes, and they never quite abandoned that assumption despite the data to the contrary gathered over the past 12 months. Six feet of distance and frequent hand-washing makes sense when you have a virus that’s borne by large droplets. Those are more likely to end up deposited on surfaces than they are to be inhaled, particularly if you’re keeping some space between yourself and the infected person. For a virus that’s borne by aerosols,