
Biden WH Preparing $3 Trillion Spending Package to Tackle Climate Change, Infrastructure, Provide “Free” Community College and “Reduce Inequality”

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Last week it was reported that Joe Biden was planning to propose the first major federal tax hike since 1993 to fund a plan to tackle climate change, infrastructure and other Socialist pet projects.

The increases are expected on corporate tax and individual rate for “high-income” earners, according to Bloomberg.

Biden originally promised people earning $400,000 a year would not be affected by tax increases, however, he broke that promise too.

Biden’s tax plan could hit people earning $200,000 a year because Psaki said Biden’s $400,000 threshold for tax increases applies to families, not individuals.

The economic package, according to the New York Times and WaPo, will reportedly cost $3 trillion dollars – this is on top of the $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill Biden just signed into law.