
Creepy Former DOJ Prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, Connected to the Seth Rich Case, Now Wants “Every Business In America” to Pledge that the 2020 Election Was “Accurate”

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This says so much about the type of individuals that were working in the DOJ during the past few decades.  A Former DOJ prosecutor who was involved in the Seth Rich case now wants all businesses to pledge that the 2020 election was accurate.  

Legal Insurrection reported over the weekend:

A former federal prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, has launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”

Any American business refusing to take this pledge, regardless of their own personal beliefs, will presumably be subjected to the cancel mob.

The story originally came from the far-left Huffington Post.