
Developing: Karl Rove to Hold Major Fundraiser for Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger

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Karl Rove will hold a bigtime virtual fundraiser on March 31 for vocal Trump-hater Adam Kinzinger.

Top GOP donors from Illinois are expected to attend this fundraiser.

Adam Kinzinger, the poor man’s Mitt Romney, is one of the most vocal Trump-haters in the US Congress.
Kinzinger gladly voted to impeach President Trump in January along with 9 other Republican lawmakers.

Fox News’ Karl Rove is set to headline a fundraiser for ‘anti-Trump’ Republican Adam Kinzinger https://t.co/qvFi7QCNRV

— Newsmax (@newsmax) March 22, 2021

The Chicago Sun-Times reported:

A fundraiser for Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., will be headlined by Karl Rove and co-hosted by a who’s who of Illinois Republicans,