
INTERVIEW: Veteran Facing Charges Over Capitol Protest Says Cops Told His Group They Wouldn’t Be Arrested if They Left, So He Did — They Lied

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Mark Sahady and Sue Ianni are two extremely patriotic Americans who are facing charges due to peacefully attending President Donald Trump’s rally in Washington, DC on January 6th.

The duo have long been the subject of contempt and scorn from the left for their organization, Super Happy Fun America, that made headlines for their Straight Pride Parade in Boston with grandmaster Milo Yiannopolous.

Sahady is an Army combat veteran who served in Afghanistan. Ianni is a mother of three and local conservative activist. Both live in Massachusetts.

**Those who wish to donate and help support their legal fight can do so here.

Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Sahady said that his group had been chartering busses for people in New England who wanted to attend the Stop the Steal protests and support the president.