
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster – The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium – It Was a Catastrophe

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The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.

To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from.  But then again he didn’t want to.

As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump.  This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:

“God, I Miss Him!” – Joe Biden Laughs and Mocks President Trump During First Presser (VIDEO)

But Biden’s lies and attacks of President Trump were only the beginning of the disaster.