
Creepy Bill Gates Says He Knows When the World’s Coronavirus Crisis Will Be Over – Not This Year

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According to Bill Gates, the self-ordained world expert on the China coronavirus catastrophy, the crisis will be over in 2022. 

The New York Post reported yesterday:

Bill Gates has predicted that the world will be “completely back to normal” from the COVID-19 pandemic by the end of 2022.

The Microsoft founder said the health crisis has been an “incredible tragedy,” but one bright spot has been the arrival of vaccines.

“By the end of 2022 we should be basically completely back to normal,” Gates said in an interview for Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza and television broadcaster TVN24.

Gates warned us last August that the pandemic wouldn’t be over until nearly everyone was vaccinated:

“You Don’t Have a Choice – Normalcy Only Returns When We Largely Vaccinate the Entire Population” – Creepy Bill Gates Gets Creepier (VIDEO)

Gates said this isn’t the last pandemic but he has some ideas on what should take place during the next one:

Creepy Bill Gates Calls For Global Alert System and “Pandemic Fire Squad” For “Next Pandemic” (VIDEO)

Gates is not only an expert in vaccines and pandemics,