
Biden Moves to Transform US Military Into Woke Social Justice Warriors – Hires Toxic Leftist Who Compared Trump to Hitler as First “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion”

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Joe Biden and his handlers are trying to create an army of unhinged political-minded liberals.  This is another grotesque move by Democrats which is not best for the country or the military but suits their political objectives.

Breitbart reported yesterday:

United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has hired as its first “chief of diversity and inclusion” a person who posted anti-Trump memes on his Facebook page, including one that compared the former president to Adolf Hitler.

SOCOM announced their hiring two days ago:

USSOCOM welcomes our new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion, Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada. We look forward to his contribution in enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of #SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best.