
Migrant Caravan Members tell FOX News Contributor: ‘Biden Wants Us Here,’ ‘He Is Opening the Gates’ (Video)

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The caravans of illegal aliens barraging the U.S. border say they were encouraged to make the perilous journey because they felt that President Joe Biden really wanted them to come.

A group of exhausted, malnourished migrants talked with journalist Sara Carter, who visited the border near McAllen, Texas, amid the mounting catastrophe.

“I asked the group, you know, ‘What was the reason that you took such extraordinary risks?’ And they said, you know, ‘The reason we did this is because we believe that the Biden administration, President Biden, wants us here. He is opening the gates,’” Carter told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday.

Last week, Biden issued a lukewarm statement on TV meekly urging migrants not to come to America.