
Top Deep State Propagandist Behind Russia Hoax – Now Pushing for New Rules to Rid Internet of Opposing Voices

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Anne Applebaum and Peter Pomerantsev published a piece at The Atlantic this week arguing that opposing voices must be stamped out in society and on the internet.

Applebaum and Pomerantsev used the infamous works of Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy in America to introduce this most un-American idea.

Applebaum argues, “An internet that promotes democratic values instead of destroying them—that makes conversation better instead of worse—lies within our grasp.”

In a head fake, Applebaum condemns Chinese internet censorship then goes on to promote communist-style regulations on internet free speech to prevent unwanted ideas from taking root.  The ideas Anne does not approve of.  There is nothing democratic about Applebaum’s ideas.