
Former Civil Rights Group Urges NFL to Cancel Their Contracts with FOX Due to Perceived Racism

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Anti-Semite and America-hater Louis Farrakhan speaks at the NAACP Leadership Summit

Once upon a time, the NAACP was an esteemed civil rights group.
Today it’s a shell of its former self.

Earlier this month the NAACP fired a letter off to the NFL. The former civil rights group that was formed to advance blacks in society is now barking orders at sports leagues on who they can and cannot work with.

The NAACP is angry that the NFL would form contracts with FOX over “the messages and tone of the network in inflaming racial division and propagating an unstable political climate.” They don’t like the FOX News leans conservative. The NAACP then suggests the rally and protests at the US Capitol on January 6 were racist.