
Waste of Time and Money: Turncoat Mike Pence Laying Groundwork for 2024 Presidential Run

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Vice President Mike Pence had no problem betraying President Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him by certifying an illegitimate 2020 election soaked with fraud. 
Promoting criminal and unconstitutional actions somehow doesn’t strike us as very Christian.

Vice President Mike Pence released a statement ahead of the certification of the Electoral College.

Pence rebuffed President Trump’s call to reject Biden’s electors.

President Trump during his speech in DC on January 6th repeatedly called on Vice President Mike Pence to do his duty and defer the certification of Biden votes in contested states back to the state legislatures.

Pence folded like a lawn chair.

Mike Pence would not even allow a review of the election irregularities and questionable results in several swing states.