
Idiocy from the Left: Ocasio-Cortez Is Livid Reporters Call the Surge of Biden’s Illegals Flooding the Border a “Surge” – Because It’s Racist or Something

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This woman is as offensive as she is stupid.

Rep. Ocasio Cortez: “Anyone who is using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame… This is not a surge. These are children and they are not insurgents.”

She then goes on to say this is a white supremacist idea, philosophy.

Notice, she’s not making headlines or cutting any fake videos about kids in cages this year.
Why is that?

Via The Daily Caller.

AOC on Instagram Live talking about the border:

“Anyone who is using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame… This is not a surge.