
Wow! Such BS Caught on Video: Pete Buttigieg Has Gas-Guzzling Suburban Drop Him Off a Couple Blocks from Work So He Can Ride His Bike in for the Cameras (VIDEO)

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More liberal BS caught on video.

The media went gaga after news broke that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was riding his bike to work.
What a guy!
What a great example!

Now we know it was all a dog and pony show like everything the Democrats do and say.

Pete Buttigieg used an armored gas-guzzling Suburban to bring a bike within a short distance of the destination. Then he was caught on video unloading the bike and riding in with a security detail in tow, pretending to save energy.

Such hypocrisy!
If a Republican ever did this it would be headlines for a month.

Pete Buttigieg’s dog and pony show.