
AUGH – Mitch McConnell Defends Fauci – “He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen”

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Republican Minority Senate leader McConnell provides another example of how out of touch he is.  McConnell was the first to claim President Trump lost the 2020 election despite tons of evidence that the election was stolen and now he’s supporting the contradictory, dangerous and insane Dr. Fauci.

Mediate reported yesterday:

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) affirmed Monday he still has confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, amid criticism from some of his Republican colleagues.

During an event Monday encouraging vaccination, the Senate Minority Leader again referenced the polling showing hesitancy from Republican men and said they should all be getting the vaccines because they’re safe and effective.

McConnell was first asked about the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill before one reporter asked if he still has “total confidence” in Fauci.