
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Attorneys Are Mandated to Destroy Seth Rich Material by April 28 – Durham’s Office Won’t Mandate the Evidence Be Preserved – The American Public Has Not Seen This Info

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Attorney’s uncovered material related to the Seth Rich case from the Federal government. 
Yesterday they learned that their evidence related to the case must be destroyed by April 28th.  These attorneys contacted Attorney John Durham months ago and he won’t respond to their request asking that the evidence be maintained and not destroyed. 

Attorney Ty Clevenger provided to Gateway Pundit the letter he sent to Attorney Durham:

Here is the content from the letter:

Mr. Durham,

On October 12, 2020, I sent a letter to you and then-Attorney General William Barr about the need to preserve evidence related to the origins of the “Russian collusion” investigation. Neither you nor anyone else at the Department of Justice responded to the letter.