
Failed Oregon Governor Vows To “ERADICATE” Trump “Forces” – Sympathizes With Antifa Murderer While Condemning Trump, Federal Officers

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Appearing on Democracy Now with the haggard old hippy woman, Oregon governor Kate Brown (D) went on a bizarre tangent where she appears to side with the violent rioters who ravaged Portland for several months straight last year.

Brown shifted the blame to Trump, vowed to use local law enforcement to “eradicate” Trump “forces,” and seemingly sympathizes with Michael Reinoehl, the antifa terrorist who murdered a Trump supporter in downtown Portland who later died in a shootout with the feds.

Predictably, Brown wants to investigate the feds, while refusing to condemn Reinhoehl’s murderous actions.

“Shame on Donald Trump,” she says, when asked about Trump warning rioters that they would face consequences for damaging the Federal courthouse and other buildings during the *PEACEFUL PROTESTS* last summer.