
There’s a Massive Epidemic of Race Baiting and Beatings that Is Being Ignored by the Liberal Media — Here’s the List!

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If you are a genuine patriot–i.e., someone who loves the American Republic and the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness–then I suspect you are not only heartsick over the insanity being embraced by much of the media and corporate America but profoundly pissed off at being labeled a racist.

The media and the political elites are working overtime to push the lie that Trump supporters are racist insurrectionists who hate Blacks and Asians. But facts have a funny way of gumming up their propaganda campaign. Let’s review some of those facts:

A Nation of Islam Adherent, Not Trump Supporters, Murdered a Capitol Hill police officer:

How do you like these apples? Nation of Islam fanatic, Noah Greene,