
The WHO Is Now Re-writing History – Says “Herd Immunity” Only Results from Mass Vaccination – Negates Natural Immunity

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The WHO is at it again.  It’s now saying that the only way to reach herd immunity from COVID-19 is from mass vaccination, discounting natural immunity.

Over a year ago we uncovered that the WHO was pushing garbage data.  Dr. Tedros at the WHO was claiming the mortality rate on the China coronavirus (COVID-19) was near 3.4%.  This was a grossly exaggerated number and we provided evidence for our analysis:

EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Director General of World Health Organization Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History

A half a year later, we were proven right.  The WHO agreed with our analysis from March 2020:

WHO Finally Agrees Our March Analysis was Correct: The WHO’s Early Coronavirus Mortality Rate Was Irresponsibly Overstated and We Called Them Out with The CORRECT NUMBERS!