
Watch Tucker Carlson Rip Apart RINO Arkansas Governor For Supporting Child Sex Changes

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Tucker Carlson did not hold back his contempt for RINO Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson vetoing a bill that would have banned child sex change surgeries during an interview on Tuesday night.

Carlson blasted Gov. Hutchinson for being “pro-choice for chemical castration.”

The governor had announced that he would veto a bill passed by the Arkansas legislature banning doctors from prescribing puberty blockers or performing gender reassignment surgeries on children.

“I think of you as a conservative,” Carlson said. “Here you have come out publicly as pro-choice on the question of chemical castration of children. What changed?”

Tucker Carlson vs. Governor Hutchinson On The Governor’s Decision To Veto Bill Banning Gender Reassignment Surgeries For Children

His Veto Was Overridden Today By The House &