
Young Woman Has Insane Meltdown… Assaults Delivery Woman In Elevator For Not Properly Wearing Face Mask or Maintaining Social Distance [VIDEO]

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One thing the Wuhan virus pandemic has done is shine a light on our youth, who should be free-thinkers, but instead, are freely accepting the authority of our government who are mandating that they give up their freedoms in the name of “safety.” Our youth have become sitting ducks for the socialist propaganda Democrats, and Dr. Fauci are pushing about sacrificing for the common good.

100 Percent Fed Up – Go to almost any college campus in America, and you’ll see college kids walking around, by themselves, OUTSIDE, wearing a mask. College students are being threatened by the college administrators and shamed by their peers…and the heartbreaking part is that they’re conforming without uttering a word of dissent. Curiously, they’re not even questioning the science behind wearing a mask outside—they’re literally sitting in their rooms,