
Arizona Should Sue the Far-Left ‘Protect Democracy Project’ for Misrepresenting Itself and Claiming It’s Not Political Which Doesn’t Appear to Be the Case

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The state of Arizona should say “Enough!”  Far left “Protect Democracy Project” appears to be masquerading as a non-political and non-biased not-for-profit but looks more like another far-left entity taking advantage of the not-for-profit status to prevent paying its fair share in tax dollars.

We mentioned yesterday that the corruption from the Obama years is not over.  It’s just beginning.  The so-called “Non-For-Profit” group, the Protect Democracy Project, is now involving itself in the Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County.  They are connected to Obama, Soros, China, and Biden’s DOJ, and are fighting to prevent an accurate count of the valid votes in the county.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: ‘Protect Democracy Project’ – The Group Threatening Arizona Auditors Is Connected to Obama,