
Canadian Government Erects Double-Layer Fence Around GraceLife Church – Block Streets to the Church Over Coronavirus (VIDEO)

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Authorities erected a double-layer fence around GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada.
The fence was set up after the church refused to shut its doors due to the coronavirus.

Canadian authorities even blocked the roads to the church while the fence went up.

Roads blocked and fences going up around GraceLife Church this morning… pic.twitter.com/qSbLXRWKut

— Kim Smith (@Kim_SmithTV) April 7, 2021

Alberta Health Services put out this statement.

EDMONTON – Today, April 7, 2021, Alberta Health Services (AHS) physically closed GraceLife Church (GLC) and has prevented access to the building until GLC can demonstrate the ability to comply with Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s (CMOH) restrictions.