
TikTok Ads Advise Illegal Aliens and Criminals How to Game American Systems [VIDEO]

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TikTok and its official Chinese counterpart Douyin amassed over 2 billion downloads and penetrated one-third of all social media users on this planet in less than four short years.

100 Percent Fed Up – It is fair to say, then, that TikTok is one of the largest social media platforms in the world.  Despite some useful content, it consists primarily of mind-numbing short-form user videos that make one’s intellect jump out of their ears and beg for a more viable host.  TikTok has also pledged its allegiance to socialism and the Chinese Communist Party.  In fact, it is an integral part of a large and growing web of information warfare by the CCP to brainwash the globe in anti-Western ideologies and mind-numbing stupidity and excess.