
IT’S ALREADY STARTING: MSNBC Guest Attacking Chauvin Jurors Before They Have Even Made Their Decision (VIDEO)

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Elie Mystal attacked the jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial during an appearance on Tiffany Cross’s weekend MSNBC show The Cross Connection.

The trial is still ongoing, but the major network is already allowing intimidating attacks on the jurors.

“You have to remember, this jury has been seeded with ignorance. It’s been seeded with people who either did not see the video, which is almost impossible to do in this country, or, saw the video and couldn’t decide if sometimes, maybe black people do need to be choked to death for eight minutes and forty-six seconds. Maybe they had it coming!” Mystal said. “So those are the people that wer’re talking to here. It’s not talking to me; it’s not trying to convince you.