
Dishonest Media Forgot To Mention Part About Loaded Gun Allegedly In Front Seat Next To Army Lt. Nazario’s Leg

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Yesterday, the Windsor, VA Police Department was notified that they were being sued by Army Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario for a December traffic stop that turned ugly.

As reported by 100 Percent Fed Up – In the recorded traffic stop, Army Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario, who is Black and Latino can be seen in uniform as a Latino police officer attempts to convince Nazario to get out of his vehicle. The police officer, who appears to be frustrated after driving a mile behind Nazario’s vehicle with their lights flashing, is then confronted with a belligerent driver who refuses to exit his vehicle.

Instead of complying with the request of the Latino police officer, a defiant Nazario tells him, “I’ve not committed any crime.” The two Windsor police officers can be seen drawing their guns and ordering him to get out.