
Report: Biden Spends Sunday Afternoon in Unscheduled Oval Office Meeting with His Senior Team After Blinken Warns Russia and China About Military Attacks

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Joe Biden reportedly spent Sunday afternoon in an unscheduled meeting in the Oval Office with his ‘senior team’, according to the White House. Biden, who is spending a rare weekend at the Executive Mansion, also had an unscheduled meeting with his senior team on Saturday. The unusual meetings come as Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned both Russia and China about military attacks on Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively, in response to threatening military maneuvers in recent days. (Also in the news was Iran’s nuclear facility in Natanz going dark, with some reports crediting an alleged cyber attack by Israel.)

Screen image via Meet the Press/Twitter

NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell posted a screen image Sunday afternoon of a Marine guard posted outside the West Wing of the White House,