
“Skilled Predator” – DOJ Watchdog Finds FBI Official Sexually Harassed 8 Women

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The Justice Department’s watchdog found that James Hendricks, the chief of the FBI’s field office in Albany, New York, sexually harassed 8 women.

Colleagues described Hendricks as a “skilled predator” who touched women inappropriately at the office and even asked one woman to have sex with him in the conference room.

James Hendricks

Hendricks retired last year with full benefits before the Office of Inspector General concluded he sexually harassed 8 female subordinates, according to a report obtained by the Associated Press through a FOIA lawsuit.

Mr. Hendricks, now 50, says he was not sexually attracted to his accusers and they either misinterpreted his actions or exaggerated them.

Via The Associated Press:

One woman carried a ruler at FBI headquarters so she could smack James Hendricks’ hands when he reached for her legs and breasts.