
Bitcoin Is Officially Here – Coinbase IPO Direct Listing Today Estimated to be Valued at $100 Billion or More

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Coinbase is going public today in NASDAQ’s first IPO Direct Listing and it’s expected to be large.

Coinbase is going public today on the NASDAQ in an IPO estimated to be valued at $100 Billion or more.  Coinbase is the latest Silicon Valley “unicorn”, defined as a market value of $1 Billion or more.  Coinbase, which will trade under the symbol [COIN], is a cryptocurrency market exchange and trading platform, providing a well-financed (and hopefully secure) platform for the trading of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin [BTC] that rose to a new high yesterday, surpassing the $62,000 level.

In 2020, Coinbase reportedly had revenues of $1.3 Billion and net income of $322.3 Million.  Bitcoin and other lesser known cryptocurrencies, sometimes called “altcoins”,