
Dr. Fauci Warns Women Who Took J&J Vaccine to “Be Alert for Symptoms” After Reports of Blood Clots – But Please Continue to Get Your Vaccine

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The Biden administration called for a ‘pause’ in administering the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 China coronavirus vaccine Tuesday morning. The FDA and CDC, citing six reports of blood clots in women aged 18-48–including one fatality–out of about seven million administered vaccines, called on states to ‘pause’ the J&J vaccine while the problem is studied. The similar AstraZeneca vaccine deployed in Europe has faced similar rare clotting issues. The New York Times was first to report on the ‘pause’.

Following the news Dr. Fauci held a presser with the Biden team and warned women to “be alert” if they took the Johnson&Johnson vaccine.

But these same doctors want Americans to continue to line up for the coronavirus vaccine.