
WATCH: Rioters in Minnesota Demand White People Act as Human Shields During Attack on Police Station

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Black Lives Matter rioters demanded that white people move to the front and act as human shields while they attacked the Brooklyn Center police station on Tuesday evening.

In the footage, rioters can be heard shouting “get the white people to the front!” A tactic that has been employed during several riots, including Ferguson in 2014.

White people to the front#BrooklynCenter pic.twitter.com/M6voBJFGKZ

— Cat Hyde Кот Хайд (I’m just here for my ban)🖤🧡 (@KBoomhauer) April 14, 2021

The rioters were lighting fires, throwing projectiles at officers, and attempting to tear down the fence keeping them away from the building.

A large street fire erupted in Brooklyn Center,