
EXCLUSIVE: Cancer Patient Arrested Over Capitol Protest Denied Bail Since March 12, Despite Never Entering Building, Catches COVID in Jail — Life Seriously At Risk

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The attorney for Capitol protester Christopher Worrell has filed an emergency motion with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to seek the release of his client, who has cancer, after he contracted COVID-19 in the jail where he is being detained.

Worrell has been held for over a month after firing pepper spray during the chaos on January 6, which he says was aimed at people who he believed to be Antifa that were targeting police.

Worrell has been imprisoned and denied bail since March 12 — and has been shipped around from Florida, to Oklahoma, to Virginia, and now finally DC. He has been subjected to horrific conditions including a lack of water for sometimes up to seven hours and contracted COVID on top of his non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer.