
Fake News Specialists at Daily Beast Finally Admit “Russian Bounties” Hit Piece Was as Fake as the Russia Pee-Pee Tapes

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Back in July 2020 The Gateway Pundit had already debunked the fake “Russian bounties” reports.

Here is what we reported last summer:

The fake New York Times continues its efforts at disinformation and trying to overthrow the elected government of the USA: Last week Soros-backed „reporter“ Eric Schmitt tried to spark hostility with Russia over alleged “Bounties“ for US soldiers in Afghanistan.

by Collin McMahon

Both the Russians and the Taliban have denied the crackpot claims. On June 29, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the story “a lie” and “absolute BS.”  Speaking on Russia24 television channel, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the story “a Hollywood blockbuster“ that reminded her of the movie “Wag the Dog“,