
Mike Lindell Launches “MyStore” To Compete With Amazon

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Mike Lindell is fighting back!
After he was canceled by retailers, Mike Lindell is starting his own online store: MyStore.com
**Use code “TGP” at checkout and you’ll save up to 66%, plus Gateway Pundit will benefit)**
MyStore is going to rival Amazon, Mike says.
Watch Mike talk about it on Steve Bannon’s Warroom:

Mike Lindell states that he is creating MyStore as a competitor to Amazon. pic.twitter.com/2mWERqPnim

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 12, 2021

Business Insider has what Mike said:

“For years entrepreneurs and inventors have come to me with products and ideas. They don’t know how to market them, and I haven’t had the time to show them,” Lindell said in a video on the site.