
It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT Admits Police Ordered to Stand Down on January 6th – Yet the DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and Indicting Innocent Americans Proving They are Corrupt

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The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down. 
Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.  Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.  Now the DOJ is indicting innocent Americans invited into the Capitol by the police?  This is not right, it’s not justice and America knows it.

The New York Times reported this week what we already knew from videos of that day, that the Capitol police were told to stand down on January 6th.

Breaking News: The Capitol Police were told not to use their most aggressive tactics ahead of the Jan. 6 riot despite warnings of violence in which “Congress itself is the target,” according to a new report by an internal investigator.