
Voice of Privilege Chelsea Clinton Calls on Facebook to Ban Tucker Carlson Video After His Takedown of Dr. Fauci Goes Viral

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Earlier this week Tucker Carlson destroyed Dr. Anthony Fauci over his double-speak and complete nonsensical statements about the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Tucker asked an obvious question that the rest of the liberal media ignored, “Why, for example, does Tony Fauci say you have to wear a mask after you get the vaccine? If we are following the science, and we sincerely hope to, we’re wondering, is Fauci telling Americans who have been vaccinated or who have been recovered from the coronavirus itself, that they aren’t protected against future infections?… If this stuff works, why can’t you live like it works? What are you really telling us here? And by the way, this, again, is not a trick question, we are not playing word games here,