
EXCELLENT: Ashli Babbitt – The Portrait of a True Patriot – Not an Insurrectionist – Interviews with Her Family on Who She Really Was (VIDEO)

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Jamie Allman compiled a portrait of Ashil Babbitt, the young woman who was shot at the Capital.   In the video, you see that although she was young, she was a patriot.

Allman begins:

Joe Biden’s Justice Department has determined that it is perfectly ok for a Capitol police officer to have shot a patriot named Ashli Babbitt on January 6th.  And, we don’t know what the name of the Capitol police officer is because the Capitol police is the Capitol security force.  It is a private security force.  And Congress has made the Capitol immune from any kind of transparency, any kind of open records, any kind of questions whatsoever, we just cannot know.  And to this day no member of Congress,